A half-timbered, or fachwerk, house. A delightful couple of hours spent this late morning and early afternoon tweaking the construction of my foamcore lightbox and then taking a slew of better-lighted photographs of the recently completed model buildings. While some a re rather good, others need to be reshot. I've tried three-point lighting, but that still leaves shadows and certain important details in the darkness, so a fourth source of diffused light, probably positioned behind the camera and bounced off the ceiling of the lightbox, will solve the problem. Stay tuned. By the way, the Young Master, who returned Sunday evening from 10 days visiting his grandparents in Seattle, approves of Dad's recent construction boom. We're planning a very simple Featherstonian-type wargame this weekend using his soldiers that he received last Christmas. A few of the buildings here just might make an appearance. Can't wait! -- Stokes Another half