S ounds like a Syd Barret-era Pink Floyd composition, doesn't it? Or possibly something from The Move. T he above book arrived via DHL a couple of hours ago (our mail lady brought it to the door for a signature), and I am just tickled pink by the depth of the subject matter and overall fine quality of the reprint. I actually forgot all about my order of the book a few weeks back, so its arrival was a lovely surprise. Anyway, 510 pages of copious text (in German), photographs, mechanical drawings, and tables. Very pleased with the purchase! A source I have been aware of, and meant to purchase a copy "one day" for several years, but it was not until Charles Grant's recent how-to piece in the 2023 Wargamers' Annual and the related discussion over on the Fife and Drum Miniatures forum that I took the leap. A bit pricey, but look around online for alternative sellers to Amazon, which is what I did, and you might be able to pick up a copy of this c