The bows and stringed instruments are painted, but need 18 hours or so to dry to the touch. Professor Detrius and Irwin-Amadeus II, both very nattily turned out themselves, look on. D e trius, now that I think about it, resembles the young R o bert Plant onstage , ca. 1969, or '70 . Can't you envis ion a microphone on his outstre tched hand? Or maybe I'm just dazed and confused? That's what happens when the e motional levee breaks. Compl ete and utter communication breakdown. A s Spanish speakers say, o r "Little by little." A delightful couple of hours spent at the painting desk this morning and midday while the Grand Duchess and the Young Master ran errands and visited the local Children's Museum ( a current favorite). So, the house was delightfully quiet and still. Perfect painting weather too. Cold and gray outside, not enough snow for skiing or anything else. A guy couldn't ask for a better excuse to open up a few tubes paint