Greeting loyal Grand Duchy of Stollen subjects (ok, “visitors”) everywhere! It has been far too long. The Grand Duke Irwin-Amadeus II wishes that I convey his sincerest apologies for failing to keep everyone updated and informed through this period of upheaval and transition. The Grand Duchess and I shall find ourselves ensconced in our new abode by Thursday evening this week. That means four more fevered days of packing before the movers arrive! The Grand Duchess has overseen dismantling of the grand ducal kitchens while Oberfeldwebel Klatschen will march the forces of Stollen and Zichenau, together with a motley assortment of 15mm Napoleonics, over to their new quarters later this afternoon or tomorrow. The guitars and personal effects will follow along with various and sundry other loose ends early in the week. The grand plan is to have only the heavy book boxes and furniture remaining by Thursday morning when the movers arrive. So far, so good. But jeeze Louise is