T he Grand Duchess is away at a conference, so last (Friday) night after the Young Master's bedtime, I settled into a freshly made-up bed with a nav e l orange, a glass of something cold ( F ruit j uice, rela x!) , and my trusty laptop to find something to watch on Amazon. Finally settled on The Romantic English Woman (D i r. Joseph Losey , 1975), starring Michael Caine , Glenda Jackson, and Helmut B e rger. You know me. Living life to the fullest out here on the bloody edge . It'll be a barbed wire tattoo ar ound an upper thigh next , with pierced naughty bits, and maybe even a case of Hepatitis before you know it. A n yway, n ot the most riveting film, but basically Caine is a writer developing a film script about a bored housewife who travels from the U.K. to France or Germany and then has a brief affair while in a fancy, old continental hotel. Strangely, the story mirrors much of what is going on with his wife in the film, played by Jackson. I didn't make