Supply Train en Route to Valley Forge. W e've had several nice, quiet winter days here at Stollen Central since Christmas Day, which have given me time to tinker with upcoming vignettes in preparation for painting and some online research with regard to suitable pieces for the long-planned supply and pontoon train. As you might recall, the Grand Duchess got me off to a good start with the latter, presenting me with two each of the Fife&Drum powder wagons and pontoon wagons for Christmas. Besides, suitable horse teams, I will also order a third pontoon wagon, and see if I might be able to order an additional 3-4 pontoons by themselves. I'll also look and see about what figures in the Minden Range SYW range might be suitable for conversion to pontoniers. As many of you will undoubtedly agree, planning ahead constitutes a large part of the fun to be found in the wargaming hobby. Where the rest of the supply train is concerned, I've combed the net and decided