The first two horses with their black bridles, reins, and so forth all blocked in. Blast! I see a few areas in need of a bit more green around the hooves. W ell, I finally decided on tackling a pair of horses at a time, simply painting the bridles, reins, and other tack to completion before moving to the next pair. Some visible progress is a good thing. Painting just one item at a time assembly style, by contrast, is murder even when working with, say 10 or a dozen horses. Painting tack is sort of like riding a bike up a very long, steep, arduous hill. I'm thinking, in particular, of the brutal Ramsey Hill in St. Paul, Minnesota and the equally nasty hill out of Stillwater, Minnesota. Even in cooler weather, you feel like your head and lungs will burst well before the halfway point. Talking to your fellow riders is out of the question. Instead, focus, concentration, and steady peddling in a relatively low gear. But leave one or two in case the situation gets even more dir