O r little by little as we say in the English-speaking world. Had to spend a good part of Saturday afternoon outside taking care of leaf removal, so did not have a huge amount of time for painting. It made sense, then, to work on the mounted officer for my version of Austria's Wied Infantry and bring him up to speed with the rest of the 60-strong regiment, which is getting very close to the final detailing and touch-up stages. Like his charges, Colonel Klaus von Birneke too still requires a few final details and the inevitable clean-ups, but he doesn't look half bad. His white uniform is a combination of light gray undercoat, a wash of Army Painter 'Dark Tone' and several washes of white craft paint, with the brightest areas being the font of his thighs, upper arms, upper back, and shoulders, where you might expect more light to hit. A few lower portions of his coat skirts where they flare out from his body are also very bright white, but otherwise his attire