W ell, The Young Master has been too busy for a game with ol' Dad this Christmas week as I had hoped, so I have instead busied myself at the painting table to clean up and make some headway with his version of Prussia's 3rd Garrison Regiment. Here is where things stand this (Thursday) evening. Getting through the highlight stage before adding lots of fine detailing. The two drummers at this point need another thinned coat of very dark blue before I tackle the white sleeve chevrons and swallows wings. So too do a few of the hats, which need some thinned black in the corners. Overall though, the figures don't look half bad considering there were two of us working on them last January, February, and March before my son took a break from fairly routine painting in short bursts with me. Clearly, The Young Master prefers the actual games to painting. And that's ok. The wargaming hobby is a borad church after all. And as Greg Horne, the man behind The Duchy