Hello there men! The Grand Duchess and I have just returned from 10 days camping on Michigan 's upper peninsula, where some of my Cornish ancestors went to work in the copper mines that used to operate up there, not far from the shore of Lake Superior , in the 1870s and 80s. Very beautiful nature, wildlife, cooler summer weather, and fascinating regional history. It's hard to believe the level of industry and accompanying population that existed up there at one time when looking at the small, picturesque towns and villages along US Highway 41 today. At any rate, we returned yesterday, following an evening in my old stomping grounds ( Madison , Wisconsin ). Now, the run up to fall semester starts since school begins again in only a few weeks. That means syllabi to write or update and other assorted administrative things to take care of. Sigh. On a more interesting note, there is the translation project I've been contracted to do -- a bunch of articles and chapters on Norweg