"Ah, there you are old camel saddle!" remarked General von Tschatschke as a disheveled General de Latte emerged into the bright mid-afternoon light of the drawing room. "Feeling better?" "The less said the better, my dear von Tschatschke," replied de Latte sheepishly, "The less said the better. I see your troops have withdrawn on your right flank a full move's distance in my absence." "Yes, damn bad show that," agreed von Tschatschke. "Seems my Leib Grenadiers and artillery crew lack fortitude when faced with men in funny hats and brightly-colored girdles atop horses. Still, they may rally yet." "Doesn't look good in the meantime though, does it?" observed de Latte. "Now, how about those orders for Move Five, old shoe horn?" "I thought you'd never ask," said General von Tschatschke enthusiastically. Here are mine: 1 ) The 4 th Dragoons will move up 24” to plug the hol