Still quite a way to go, but we're getting there. Dark red -- Citadel Khorne Red -- to the facings and turnbacks next, followed by light gray to the shoulder belts. Then, it will be time for sparing highlights. A s and when time has permitted this week, I've applied black and dark brown onto those areas destined eventually for a dab, dash, or blob of dark gray and medium brown highlights. I've also looked carefully over the dark blue areas to make sure the white basecoat has been completely covered, remedying any situations where I've somehow not managed that given the extra time and care taken to avoid lousing up the already painted horses. These areas will get a very sparing medium blue highlight when the time comes. As noted last year (?) in an older blog post, or perhaps in an article somewhere, I find that you paint, paint, and paint for what can seem like ages with little apparent visible progress. But suddenly, almost as if by magic, everything begins comin