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Showing posts from October, 2020

Step 9 All Touched Up and No Place to Go. . .

The initial 36 Minden Austrian dragoons, painted more or less as three squadrons of the Batthyanyi Regiment, receive their squadron guidons.  Six horse grenadiers and three regimental staff wait in the queue to join them eventually. Y ou could almost hear a pin drop the last few weeks here at The Grand Duchy of Stollen.  As is very likely the case for many right now, there has simply been too much additional stuff going on even though many of us are still effectively at home all of the time.  Not much time for toy soldiering sadly.   Teaching online takes more time than you might think, and it just is not the same thing.  Sigh.  Working from home was fun for a couple of months last spring, but I really miss my usual routine five days a week of journeying into campus, teaching face to face, meeting face to face with colleagues, and the like.  Not to mention my usual early morning coffee at the cafe in one corner of our main library before anyone else was around.  Extreme Zoom and MS Tea