Grenadiers of the Kreisinfanter ie regiment Fürstenberg, who look remarkably like some old grumblers I painted way back in 2007! T he first pair of replacement Minden standard bearers for my line infantry regiments is almost finished. Just sword scabbards, hilts, and neckstocks to do and then Bob is your mother's brother as the saying goes. Once that is done, it will be time to work on the two flags and cords. The poles will be made from brass rod, the cords come from Front Rank, I think . I bought, in any case, two packs of these back in 2014 specifically for the planned reflagging. Funny h ow it always seems to take a couple of y ears for plans to reach the actual doing stage! If only I had two or three more pairs of arms. The Human Centipede Goes Wargaming . Now there's a horror film for you! A n yway, f or the flags themselves, I will try something a bit different this time. My usual modus operandi for many years now has been to print out a flag on plai