The Minden pioneers currently in progress with one coat of white acrylic gesso applied. One more coat, and the painting can commence. S ome weeks. Sigh. Started off with a nasty cold and fever, which came on Saturday night last week and required cancelling two days of classes last Monday and Tuesday. As much as I wanted simply to pull the covers over my head, tell the world to go to hell, and sleep though, there were about 50 undergrad papers to read, consider, and assign grades. Then, the Grand Duchess left town midweek for another conference, or consulting gig (I can't keep 'em straight anymore), which meant that yours truly became solely responsible for coaxing the Young Master through his daily activities, taking him to and from school, meals, etc., etc. I already do quite a bit of this everyday anyway, but when one becomes the only parent overseeing all of this stuff for several days, well. . . Let's just say that single parents...