Still quite a bit to paint, but I've finally got the color of blue that I'm after. Should have done this to begin with. Why in the world didn't I listen to the little inner voice in the first place? Sometimes, I guess, you just have to skin your knees a few times before things fall into place. So, after trying out a wash of light blue acrylic over a white acrylic undercoat on a single hussar test figure Thursday evening, yesterday afternoon I re-applied (long, drawn-out groan) a white undercoat to the dolmans and pelisses of his 11 cronies. Later, after supper and bedtime for Young Master Paul, while the Grand Duchess packed and streamed an episode or two of Desperate Housewives online, I stole away back down here to Zum Stollenkeller, to apply washes of Games Workshop light blue (Icy Blue?) and see how things stood this time. Voila! Eureka! Shazam! Holy Utility Belts Batman! This is finally it. The third time's the charm. The watery light blue settled in