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Showing posts from February, 2020

We're In the Home Stretch. . .

Needless to say, the white piping along the edges of the red tunic collars was murder to get right.  I fear it's time to have the bifocal discussion with my ophthalmologist at the next exam later this spring, blast it. T ime in the painting chair earlier this Sunday afternoon finishing up the red tunic collars piped white, and then starting on the black horizontal stripes along the scarlet lances carried by 12 of the 14 Minden Bosniaks that comprise this large squadron.   Once that step is done, just a few touch-ups, and then onto the two coats of acrylic gloss.  I am off to visit ol' Mom and dogs for a few days at the end of the week though -- Spring Break next week -- so, let's see how far I get before the 5:30am flight Friday morning.   I did splurge for First and/or Business Class all the way this time though.  A bit more forgiving for the knobby, middle-aged knees you understand.  With any luck, I should be in Pinehurst, North Carolina before Noon on the 28th

Painstaking Piping Preparation. . .

Painstaking piping preparation continues. . .  Whew! W ell Sir, the Minden Bosniaken are not quite finished, but I bit the bullet and sat down for three (or as it four?) painting sessions during the last couple of days: a hour or so Friday evening, another stint on Saturday afternoon, and again that same evening to apply the white piping c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y along the edges of the red tunic cuffs, black kaftan  sleeve edges, and kaftan lapels behind each rider's neck.  I've also gone back and cleaned up a few wobbly white edges with either scarlet, or black depending.  Both, of course, cover white nicely.  Just the collar piping on the tiny red tunic collars to tackle today followed by the decorative white piping 'round about hip-level on the black kaftans. Still nowhere near finished -- and let's not even speak of the horizontal black stripes that will need to be applied to the lances -- but the 14 figures and horses really are coming along nicely at this point if