The Basic roofing colors are done. More or less.
Here is where things stand at the moment -- early Tuesday afternoon -- with the Baltic German town center. The Verdigris effect -- heavy dry-brusing of Turquoise over a black undercoat -- worked out well. Nice and muted once dry, though I might apply a bit more to the Rathaus spire, which still looks a bit dark.
The rear half of the hospital also looks like it needs some extra TLC. It looks rather light gray in the photographs I have examined online, but that's not quite working on my model. I might just have to go back and give it a dry-brushed coat of Raw Umber, which looks rather nice on the house in the foreground here.
The rather orangey-brown roofs on all but one of the rest of the town buildings look bright, but this is, on sunny days, how those lovely old tile roofs look like in real life on remaining structures from the 1600-1700s in Northern Germany and across the Baltic Region, so I'll call those done. Almost time then to begin applying the red brick, yellow ochre, light blue, light, pink, and light yellow to the various walls. Already, though, the collection of (Dare I say?) model buildings is beginning to look more like a town center in miniature and less like odd bits of heavy card and scraps of balsa or bass wood.
-- Stokes