S adly, I was too wiped out to paint last night after little sleep the night before, followed by a long day on Monday. But here is where things stand so far for the year. By the way, a nice little package arrived from Fife&Drum-Minden Miniatures yesterday, and in only two days. Yes, TWO days from the time Der Alte Fritz posted it until it arrived on our doorstep. Now, I just live downstate from Greater Chicago, but that's pretty darn good customer service and shipping/handling if you ask me. Less than a week between making the initial order and receiving the goods. Fun stuff unpacking those extra pontoons, horse teams, drivers, and wagon/horse riders yesterday evening. Now, all that's needed is the arrival of the Blue Moon and Old Glory wagons and carts that I ordered last week. In the meantime, here is a run down of what I've managed to wrap up so far and what's planned for the coming months at the painting table. -- Stokes 2