Looking past Hasenpfeffer village to the northwestern corner of the eventual battlefield. Y ou have to strike while the iron is hot as the saying goes, so I got busy following the Young Master's bedtime this evening, brought my mug of coffee back down here to Zum Stollenkeller Mk II, and set up for the next battle in my campaign. This time, it will be Charles Grant's "Holding Action (1)" from Scenarios for Wargames (pp. 14-1 5) , eventually laid out and fought on a 12' x 6' table. Delusions of grandeur and all that you know. I'll reduce the suggested forces ever so slightly to fit what I have . There might even be a couple of units making an appearance that have not appeared on the table in a few years. I'll also use a slightly m o dified version of D o nald Featherstone's rules as presented in Battles with Model Soldiers . It should be good fun. Here's the situation. On the run after his shattering loss at The Battle of Dol