All attached to their bases, the various wagons and carts await the attachment of a few final items, on the way from the Dayton Painting Consortium, and then their undercoats. I plan to add additional pairs of horses/riders to the five Fife&Drum powder and pontoon wagons before long. Model wagons this nice simply need four horses to do them full justice! M aking slow but steady progress getting the wagons and carts ready for base-coating and painting. Yesterday (Saturday), the Grand Duchess was away at an all day conference, and the Young Master was good enough to desire playing with his Thomas the Train set-up for most of the afternoon. So, Dad was able to spend a good little while -- really 2-3 separate sessions -- attaching wagons, horses, oxen, and drovers to bases. Here is where things stand at the moment. In the end, I ended up cutting out my own bases with a T-square, metal ruler, and hobby knife, which took a couple of hours and some careful trimming to get ever