Ok, maybe not an actual game with terrain and so forth laid out, but a cheery enough sight greeted me this morning as I looked over yesterday's brushwork once again with that first mug of coffee. W hile I have taken a break from applying finer details to the first 16+ figures of the next unit, I have nevertheless forged ahead with base-coating the next 16 or so figures, using an old, crummy brush (a #6 round?). You will also observe that I have started blocking in main colors on those, using #4 and #7 round brushes. Dark blue and black so far. Fairly easy, even mindless brushwork that progresses fairly quickly. Visible progress is what we're after to keep the painting mojo going, the painting muse present, and the tedium demon at bay. Three or four shorter sessions in the painting chair spread across the late morning and afternoon yesterday (Monday), as time presented itself, instead of the fabled marathon session, but I am pleased with the results. Waiting for the