A 'macaroni' was yet another derisive term for a popinjay, a fop, or a dandy (in the extreme. A vain, conceited man overly concerned with his attire and appearance. Ouch! That descri ption strikes a little close to hom e I fear. N ot a whole lot of painting recently as real life and work-related stuff have encroached into my evenings and weekends these last several weeks. But, I have stitched together a short, simple set of very derivative rules based on the work of many wargaming "greats" both past and present, stretching from Featherstone, Wesencraft, and the Grants to Mason, Gilder, and Hezzlewood, to Purky and Protz. The reason for the rules presented below is due to my growing dissatisfaction with Charge! as an easily recalled, playable set of rules that keeps the game moving forward at a reasonable pace. As much as I love the book and the illustrative stories contained therein, in practice I find even the basic rules slow going. Greg (Horne) mo