Not our eventual new house but Highclere Castle, aka Totleigh Towers, aka Downton Abbey, aka many other something or others in various films and TV programs. But, we will soon have a new castle where yours truly can set up the soldier things once again and daydream about how to avoid falling afoul of Sir Watkyn Bassett, Lord Sidcup, and Alpine Joe. . . to say nothing of Madeleine Bassett. G ood news. A new Stollen Central and Zum Stollenkeller are on the horizon. We meet with our real estate lady on Saturday (tomorrow) morning to set into formal motion the eventual purchase of a new home. While modest and unmistakably suburban, it has everything we want. Excellent schools, a quiet almost rural setting, an easy commute, yet far enough away from campus, large front- and backyards plus a tree-house with tire swing for the Young Master, plenty of space indoors, no major repairs or replacements that require immediate attention (roofs, furnaces, water heaters, and so forth),