Here is the eventual mill (grain, or lumber take your pick) in progress.
All has not completely quiet during the last few days here in The Grand Duchy of Stollen. While The Young Master and I enjoy our final two weeks of summer vacation before school cranks back into action for the both of us (The Grand Duchess, bless her, is on a 12-month contract as a member of the university administration), I have been plugging away at a mill building to feature in my Sawmill Village refight in the near future.
The various roof angles and waterwheel have given me fits, and I've probably started and thrown the pieces cut for them away three or four times (poor measuring on my part), but things are shaping up at last. Still lots to do, but it should look pretty good once finished and painted. I'll give my mill a bit more half timber effect to make it look more at home in the mid-18th century though than the lovely, restored structure shown below.
Ok. Time to find my shoes, wallet, and keys. The Young Master has an appointment to keep this afternoon. Time for Pappa Taxi!
-- Stokes
And a more straight on side view.
And several shots of the actual Elstermuehle at Plessa in Brandenburg, Germany, on which mine is based.
It turned out very nicely thank goodness.
Keep us posted on progress, best wishes,