The heroes at this point. Still some work to do, and a few of the inevitable touch-ups, but not too shabby if I do so say so myself. The guy in the dark blue coat and the one to his far right in the mustard pants are really starting to resemble Richard Harris and Kirk Douglas at this point. Don't you think?
Another hour or so on this, the third evening of brushwork on The Heroes of Boucharde. Painting so far has been with my usual mixed media approach. Winsor & Newton Griffin alkyd oil thinned with a drop or two of Winsor & Newton Liquin 'Fine Detail' thinner for the flesh and black areas. Ral Partha and Citadel hobby acrylic washes elsewhere on the figures have been achieved using tiny dabs of paint and a drop of Liquitex Flow Enhancer. White stockings and shirtsleeves are simply several thinned applications of white over an undercoat of gray acrylic.
Tomorrow evening, dark brown bases and musket stocks plus firelocks as well as brass buckles on the shoes. I might do the latter first while my enthusiasm is still high and my hand steady before fatigue and frustration lead to mistakes that have to be fixed later. If things go well and fairly rapidly, I might tackle some limited terrain work on the figure bases once the dark brown acrylic is dry.
-- Stokes
A Next Day P.S.
Painting so far has been quick and fun. The quality of the raw materials, in other words the figures, really helps. It is difficult to paint badly when using miniatures as nice as Fife & Drum, Minden, and Crann Tara for example. RSM95 and Eureka run a close second. Just apply your base coat of choice, and away you go!
How long does it take for your paints to dry so that you can start work on another layer of items on the figure?
Best Regards,