The Young Master hard at work late this afternoon coloring the Hasenpfeffer River. That's the village of Hasenpfeffer on the summit of the hill by the way. A lake, pond, and mill run were later added.
The Young Master and I spent the second half of our Saturday afternoon working on eventual hills. By all accounts, a great deal of fun was had by all. After supper, the three of us retired to the rear deck where the Young Master spent an hour running through the sprinklers, as the backyard was watered, while the Grand Duchess and I enjoyed, coffee, tea, and some kind of small lemon zest cookies. Two short Star Wars stories followed just before bed after tooth-brushing and pajamas. It has been a good day here at Totleigh-in-the-Wold.
-- Stokes
Here is nearby Hasenpfefferwald complete with insects, a taxi, and prehistoric creatures.
More of the finished forest over on the painting desk. There is even more in a nearby closet. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 trees on various bases thanks to the help of my partner in crime, the Young Master..