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Christmas Wednesday. . .

 Not Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota, but it sure looked like this at times during the winters when I lived there.  There was one time during January 2004 when the temperature never climbed above zero degrees Fahrenheit for three weeks.  When, finally, we had an early February day where the mercury reached the low 20s, people walked around without hats, unzipped their winter coats, and removed their gloves.  It felt like balmy springtime. . .  and then the temperature dropped below zero degrees F. once more.

Not much happening here at the moment.  Quiet is good.  The Young Master and Grand Duchess have gone to a dentist appointment and thence to the area IKEA in search o thoe oddly sized seven watt light bulbs that some of their accent lamps take.  What a shame that it is so difficult to find and purchase these in other places, but you can't begrudge anyone for wanting to take a periodic browse around the place.

Our play-by-email refight of Sittangbad is underway, and my task, in the guise of General von Tschtaschke, is withdrawing my battered forces through the town of Sittangbad and across the bridge over the Weser River before General MacDuff can either interere with, or prevent me from so doing.  I've already sent Greg my initial orders for Move One, and, hopefully, things will go a bit better this time around.  We'll see how things shape up.  Be sure to check back later for an update.

-- Stokes

The initial positions of my forces, which must withdraw toward the camera across the Weser River in the foreground pursued relentlessly by General MacDuff.  General von Tschatschke issues orders from horseback on the village green.  Hopefully, he will  will remain on task this time and neither spot the tavern, nor the accompanying serving wenches.  He dresses well enough, but impulse control seems to be an issue.

And here is where things stand for General von Tschatschke at the close of Move One.  He has ordered his infantry closest to the bridge to begin crossing it first, followed by the subsequent two units of cavalry as and when it can.  These mounted units have been given strict instructions to avoid bunching up with the infantry they follow, so their colonels might need to hold off for another move or two before they can lead their men across the River Weser to relative safety.


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