All ready and waiting for their basecoat of white acrylic gesso. . . two companies of pioneers and a mounted officer, complete with loaded wheelbarrows and a bucket!
Just a bit of time this morning before getting the Young Master up for preschool and then getting to work on some student papers and admin stuff myself. There might be some skiing with the Grand Duchess this morning too on the fresh, powdery snow we had yesterday, but my lower back is giving me trouble, so we'll see.
Strained something yesterday morning while rinsing my face after shaving at the bathroom sink, and YOW! It just goes to show you that even with routine exercise and stretching, sometimes you turn or bend just the right way, and the unexpected pain takes your breath away. It's much better this morning, but the skiing just might have to wait a day or two.
Anyway, I spent a couple of hours at the painting table yesterday evening, preparing the Minden pioneers for painting. You know. Taking a break from painting the Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach boys before the final push to complete the drummer and officer along with glossing. The pioneers were stuck onto bases two evenings ago, so last night I concentrated on providing them with some tools and equipment with which to perform their imagined missions, things like demolition, assaulting prepared defenses, digging in for their allied brothers in arms, clearing ground for and establishing camps along with related camp facilities, and perhaps giving the pontoniers a hand from time to time with bridging creeks as well as larger rivers.
The final step before painting will be to super glue the various impedimenta shown into their hands. I would have done so yesterday evening, but, of course, my remaining tube of super glue was dried up, wasn't it? And naturally, there was no more to be found in the house. Grrrr. . .
-- Stokes
Have you considered making some fascines out of clumps of scrub brush bristle? Clip off an inch to two inch clump of bristle and tie the ends up with some fishing line filament or something similar.
Back injuries - very strange science - I had a boss who used to do parachute jumping and hang gliding - ex Marine officer - tough as nails. He was still playing tennis and 5-a-side soccer to a good standard when he was 45, but one day he sneezed while lifting an *empty* shopping bag out of the rear seat of his car, and he was immobilised for about 6 weeks with a pulled back muscle. He got over it, but we never let him live it down (well, you can't really, can you?).
Hope you are skiing like a champion soon.
Cheers - Tony
Hope the pain goes soon.
best wishes from a pain free Englishman
Best Regards,
'Lumbago Stokes'
(my Old West avatar)