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Slowly getting there with the final company of fusiliers. . .

Well, along with planning the painting of "the nursery", making another batch of slow-cooked North Carolina pulled pork BBQ with red slaw (an all day process), and weathering the hottest weather we've had all summer, I have managed to do a bit more painting on that final batch of RSM Prussian fusiliers this weekend -- shoulder belts, musket stocks, barrels, and bayonets, musket straps, hair and mustaches, plus some additional metal bits and pieces that aren't really visible here. Basically all that's left are the mid-blue facings, the white ruffles at the front on the men's necks, and the rest of the metal trim on the fusilier caps.

Here's a close-up shot of two figures, front and back, which gives a better idea of what I describe above. The green shoulder strap denotes the fourth company. The first, second, and third companies have red, blue, and white shoulder straps respectively. Not exactly historical, but it helps me to keep things more organized in my painting, storage, and on the table top.

Last, here's a shot of the entire regiment -- the 7th (Von Flickenhoffer's) Fusiliers. Can't wait to post a picture or two of the entire finished regiment of 80-figures. Yes, 80-figures. Don't try this at home, kids!

Looking ahead, the RSM95 Austrian cuirassiers off to the right of the picture are the next unit in the painting queue. They've been sitting around on my desk since last November, so I'm eager to get going with them. And I think I'll paint them as -- wait for it -- Austrian cuirassiers! I just like the white and madder red uniforms. The color scheme is, frankly, better than anything I could dream up myself. Of course, you know that I'll give the regiment some kind of imaginary and vaguely humorous title, don't you?

Ok, it's off to bed with me now. We have a Spanish comedy on DVD to watch courtesy of NetFlix. Sleep well everyone!!!


Frankfurter said…
Looking forward to the naming!
Bluebear Jeff said…
Your "slow-cooked North Carolina pulled pork BBQ with red slaw" sounds interesting . . . perhaps some photos and a recipe?

Good work on the figures too.

-- Jeff
Fitz-Badger said…
Wot? Non-historical shoulder strap colors and vaguely humorous names? You can't be serious! ;-) (and a good thing, too!)

80 figures in 1 unit!! No, I won't be trying that at home... lol
They're looking good! And now you've piqued our interest in the "naming"...
guy said…
Interesting sounding BBQ! I will look it up.

I have finished last night my latest 2 Prussian regiments including Regiment No 2 Freicorps which has contrasting light blue cuffs, waistcoats, breeches etc. Their martial reputation was not particularly good historically but they are a good contrast to the usual regiments.

I followed your recommendation and sent off for 5 boxes of the Zvesda grenadiers from that shop in Edinburgh and I am awaiting their arrival. I have on purpose not painted grenadier companies for the last 3 Prussian regiments and I also intend to do a reicharmee combined grenadier regiment.

old-tidders said…
Hi Stokes

creeping ever closer to that 80fig big battalion, nearly there ! as usual those figs look real good

I like the idea of using the different coloured shoulder straps for each company - I might do the same for my 40mm 60fig battalion



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