Just a quick post this morning since the Grand Duchess and I have some work to take care of in the attic before our spray insulation is applied Tuesday morning.
I've been pondering various movies set during the 18th century since we viewed the Hillary Swank movie last weekend, and I've also looked around on the web. It turns out that there are many movies that fall into this category if we go all the way back to the 1930s. For the latest poll (at right) however, I've limited the movies titles to ones that I have either seen or know of. So, have a look, cast your vote, and maybe take a few minutes to leave some comments here, especially if you know another movie that is period specific and worthy of tracking down. The Great Catherine, by the way, is not the more recent Catherine Zeta Jones film but rather a comedy with Peter O'Toole and (I believe) Audrey Hepburn from 1968 or '69.
Hopefully, I can squeeze in some time to get the long delayed game with Jeff Hudelson started and, later, some painting time on that latest batch of fusiliers. For now, it's back to the salt mines, er, the attic!
All I can think of are TV shows, like "The Scarecrow" with Patrick McGoohan; some old American show set in the American revolution (can't remember the name or much else about it - I believe it was in color, maybe from the 70's?); the British series "Poldark"; "Daniel Boone" (starring Fess Parker); something with Leslie Nielsen as the Swamp Fox (another Disney TV movie?). There must be others, but that's all that comes to mind right now.
You left out Valmont, which is basically the same film as Dangerous Liasons, only better.
Revolution and The Patriot had some 18th C battle scenes covering the American Revolution.
I not only don't see your poll . . . but there is nothing on the side of your posts at all . . . just blank space . . . and I don't know why.
-- Jeff
Hmmm, I am seeing everything here. Might it be worth trying a different browser? Otherwise, I lack enough tech knowledge to suggest anything else. Can anyone else offer a suggestion to Jeff?
Best Regards,
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
-- Jeff
-- Jeff
The movie you mention is The Great Catherine with Peter O'Toole and ( I think) Audrey Hepburn. The battle they refought was Bunker Hill.
Best Regards,
I suspect there are plenty of other French films set in the period.