Spiessburg 31 July 1768 My Dear General von Drosselmaier, Thank you for your communication of 30 July. As you are no doubt aware, the Grand Duke has suffered something of a relapse in the last several weeks while here at Spiessburg. His grasp on reality varies from day to day, and sometimes from hour to hour, though there are times where he seems quite lucid. His physicians Herr Doktor von Oetker and Herr Doktor von Eierdybe, while assuring us that no physical danger is present, seem neither able to discern the cause behind the Grand Dukes’ increasingly bizarre behavior, nor able to offer a possible cure. For the time being, the Grand Ducal household will remain in summer residence here at Spiessburg Palace We are also certain you know by now that the Principality of Pillau-Zerbst to our northwest has allied itself with Zichenau against the Grand Duchy of Stollen, placing us in the uncomfortable position of fighting a two front war with only very limited resource...