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The Night of December 22nd. . .


Not toy soldiers but a rather pleasing photograph taken with my phone yesterday evening as the Grand Duchess baked and I kept her company with all manner of advice on how to prepare the annual stollen (watch for a photograph later today).

While the Grand Duchess baked cornbread for the stuffing/dressing to go with the Christmas goose AND our annual stollen yesterday evening -- That's authentic Dresdner Stollen mind you! -- yours truly took up space by the hearth in the library after finishing gift-wrapping down in Zum Stollenkeller.  We enjoyed soft Christmas music, mulled wine, and a bit of eggnog with freshly ground nutmeg much later in the evening, sitting up until almost 1am.  

Staying up late like that is something we never do anymore, but I hope for more of during Christmas Week.  I used to be a night owl for most of my life until the Young Master came along in 2009, which understandably changed the narrative.  Since he is now 15 and largely more self-sufficient here at home, well, hopefully my internal schedule might be able to right itself and return to pre-child habits.  

But what's on tap for the 23rd as we near Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?  Well, while I've got a few last minute errands to run this morning after dressing, I hope for a little bit of time at the painting table to continue work on those 16 Saxon cuirassiers, which are getting very close to completion.  Just a few small details, some highlights, and touch-ups left to do before the usual protect coats of clear acrylic gloss varnish.  

Probably not able to get these finished before Christmas as hoped since seasonal preparations have taken precedence in recent days, but it's all about the journey, right?  However, I am also planning a small solo game of some kind for Christmas week.  I hope the Young Master might choose to join me to push around some lead for a few hours, but the things ol' Dad does are not "cool" to him at the moment, so we'll have to see.  But to his credit, he gave me an interesting book on simple skirmish games for my most recent 29th birthday at the start of November, and I'd like to try them out in any case.

In the meantime, how about that second mug of morning coffee?  Yes.  My thoughts exactly.  Have a joyful day everyone!

Kind Advent Regards,



Chris Gregg said…
A nice Christmas post - I can almost smell that Stollen, Stokes. And that reminds me of years ago when I started my blog as a rookie 18th Century Imagi-nations creator. I could always turn to The Grand Duchy for ideas and simply boosting my spirit - thanks for the memories. Have a glass of something strong for me. Cheers Chris G (aka Sir Joshua Gregg RA - painter to the aristocracy and any female soldiers who like disrobing!)

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