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Merry Everything from the Grand Duchy of Stollen!

A seasonally appropriate illustration from a mid-1980s series that ran in Military Modelling entitled something like Christmas Pudding Gone Awry.  I have all six carefully framed and hanging here in Zum Stollenkeller.

The Grand Duchess Sonja, Young Master Paul, and I wish visitors to the Grand Duchy a peaceful, happy season however, wherever, and with whomever you celebrate.

Kind Christmas Regards,



Duke of Baylen said…
Merry Christmas to all in the Duchy including its visitors/readers
Rob said…
That's a cracker - did the caption give the uint, date and location? I wondered whether the cook is meant to be incompetent or sabotaging Christams for the occupying forces...
Are you going to share the others? I
A very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to you all - hope the Stollen turned out well!
Thank you for the good wishes, gentlemen! No, no more information on the seasonal illustration besides the artist's name in the lower left-hand corned and the title. Possible a royal regiment given the dark blue facings? Would you believe the stollen is half gone, and it is only the afternoon of the 26th?

Kind Christmas Regards,

David Morfitt said…
And to you and yours, Stokes. :-) That is a splendid illustration. Not having come across him before, I looked the artist up and he was a 1st war veteran who produced a great many illustrations. I think that particular illustration may depict the Second or Coldstream Guards in the 1790s - note the buttons and loops in twos, and the garter star on the light bob's cap plate.
David Morfitt said…
Unfortunately the button lace is wrong for the Coldstreams - it should be bastion or scallop headed for them! I wonder if the artist just got the details wrong?
David Morfitt said…
Ah - I found another illustration by him of clearly the same figures but labelled as a uniform plate. The unit is actually the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers - the deceptive item was that garter badge on the light bob's cap which pointed to Coldstream Guards! I haven't come across a light infantry cap worn by the Fusiliers using that badge.
David Morfitt said…
And I have found a depiction of the 7th Royal Fusiliers with the light infantry cap with the garter badge by L Rousselot; see here: ! So perhaps your illustration is in fact correct... :-)
Some excellent Christmastime detective work there, David!

Kind Regards,

David Morfitt said…
Thanks, Stokes. I do like to know the answer to these things! Thankfully the Internet often comes up with the answer... :-)

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