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December 8th Saxon Cuirassier Update. . .


A quick shot Sunday evening to illustrate where things stand with the larger of two cuirassier batches.  The figures are 28mm Eureka Saxons purchased way back in October 2016 as a present to myself out ahead of a a certain birthday, and they've sat in a drawer ever since until I began sporadic brushwork last January before life got in the way during late March, and all progress halted until very recently.

So, how do things stand at the moment?

Slowly but surely, we're getting there after several sessions this weekend, primarily seeing to various metallic bits on the horse furniture and adding lace to the saddle cloths as well as touching up the cheekbones, bridges of noses, chins, and in a few cases the jawlines of the officers, troopers, and musicians.  

Oh, and look closely.  You'll notice a lot of buttons on the cuffs of many of the figures.  The trick is to touch the very tip of the brush to the button only long enough to leave a tiny fleck of paint behind.  These catch the light and glitter rather nicely I think.  Not too many mistakes to fix here.  A few, but not many. 

I finished this evening by painting the dark brown hooves where the horses have been given socks and stockings on one, two, or three of their legs.  Tomorrow, I will highlight the black hooves that are left with the very dark gray that I uses as a highlight for all black items.  Then, back to saddle cloth lace and more buttons

But time now to give the ol' eyes a rest.  Whew!

-- Stokes


pancerni said…
Nice work. Slow but steady, the unit will be awesome on the table top.
Matt said…
Lovely results. What is not to love about Saxon Cuirassiers?
Thank you, men! For some reason, I have found these figures particularly rough going. But we're getting there. Stay tuned!

Kind Regards,

Dindin said…
They are coming out very nice! Neat paintjob and excellent faces! Cheers!

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