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Leuthen Day 2023. . .


To mark Leuthen Day 2023 -- The battle was fought on 5. December 1757 -- here are a few previous photographs of my versions of King Frederick II listening to von Seydlitz hold forth about this, that, something, or other.  

Minden figures of course (1/56 scale).  First painted back in 2011 or 2012 (or possibly 2010?) when Frank Hammond still owned and ran the company.  Paints were a mix of alkyd oils for the horses and larger areas of ol' Fred and Seyd with hobby acrylics for most (but not all) of the smaller details.  

I rebased  the two at some point post-2020, using a smaller Litko terrain base. They still look pretty good to my eyes.

-- Stokes


Der Alte Fritz said…
Very well painted and based.
tradgardmastare said…
They certainly do Stokes! Thanks for sharing these with us.
pancerni said…
Look good from here! Fascinating history of how you painted the models.
Duke of Baylen said…
They look splendid. It looks like they are made of porcelain. How many coats of varnish do you use?
I just give mine one gloss coat.

WSTKS-FM Worldwide said…
Thank you everyone for your kind words. Typically, I apply about two coats of acrylic gloss varnish to finished figures. Raised areas likely to be touched get the second, or even third coat to catch the light and project the paint beneath, Hopefully for many years to come.

Kind Regards,


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