The later uniform worn by Austria's Wied Infantry, courtesy of Kronoskaf. We'll just ignore the erroneous nature of 1762 uniforms paired with flags from the War of Austrian Succession in the 1740s! |
Following the Young Master's bedtime yesterday evening, I retired to Zum Stollenkeller for a couple of hours for some painting before my own bedtime. The Grand Duchess is away until Sunday evening at a conference, so it's just the boys you understand.
Anyway, I quickly added green corner tassels to the tricornes of the enlisted men (the gold for officers were done some time ago), and then went to work on touching up the two flags and adding a few very thinly diluted white highlights here and there. Washes blend into previous paintwork nicely I find.
The trick with flags is to do this -- add highlights -- in a very random way, taking care to leave some of the slightly darker undercoat showing here and there. The subtle results more closely approximate silk standards and guidons flapping around in the breeze in my view.
But what about the corner tassels? Well, like many other regiments in various armies of the era, Wied's had at least a couple of colors according to Kronoskaf. For ease, I took some artistic license and simply added very tiny dabs of Citadel Warboss Green to mine. At the same time, I used that color to highlight the uppermost edge of the hat cockades.
This evening, I will go back and try -- TRY -- adding a very tiny dot of white to the center of the cockades the better to approximate the actual item. If that works, there are a few additional very tiny touch-ups that need doing, but those should take just a few minutes
Finally, we can move onto the glossing and, eventually, the permanent basing. Huzzah!
-- Stokes