Strapped for time this week, what with the start of the new semester on Monday next (January 9th) and the usual preparation for that. But I did take a few minutes to glue down a company of jaegers to their Litko 3mm ply bases last night before my own bedtime.
I've gone this time for a mix of singletons and small vignettes on ROUND bases to represent light troops in more open order that can be sprinkled around the peripheries of tabletop battlefields. Contrary to expectations, I like the look quite a bit.
So much that I will probably give my envisioned company of generic 'Double Blues,' which will form the other half of this composite light battalion, similar treatment when the time comes. Hmmm. I've also got a third, as yet unpainted, company of Croats that could do with a similar presentation.
But that is putting the cart before the horse and deviating from The Plan before we even get started in earnest. Someone swat that butterfly, please!
In the meantime, I must gloss and base Austria's Wied Infantry at the back during this weekend. You'll note the painting bases stacked in the background.
Again, my favored 3mm ply from Litko, which to me provide just the right look for my units once everything has been cemented into place and -- in the case of light units, command vignettes, and other one-offs -- given the minor terrain features One-Two.
Which is to say, some sparse grass, maybe a bit of scrub or small brush/bushes, a tree stump or possibly a short length of log. You know, for added visual interest and help set the scene of jaegers operating along the edges of woods or some far off flank away from the main line of battle.
-- Stokes