A couple of shots of my version of the Ernestine-Sachsen Regiment, painted in the winter-spring of 2015 and finally finished during the winter of 2016 after our move from Illinois to Michigan the previous summer.
Figures are all RSM95 Prussian castings with a couple of Minden standard bearers for good measure. Painted with a mix of thinned oils and acrylics, this bunch of figures, in my opinion, comes the closest to resembling Meissen porcelain.
The Mainz Grenadiers have since been detached as one would expect. The flags are speculative, which I found somewhere online although I don't think I could get back there if I knew how at this point.
Still, they are perhaps my favorite unit of infantry that I have painted since the Grand Duchy of Stollen project began in Summer 2006.
Ok, it's Friday, July 2nd. I've managed to set up the tables again for the planned game with The Young Master, but first, a day of work outside since the sun is finally back and the temperature is predicted to be delightfully in the mid-70s Fahrenheit (ca. 23 degrees C.). Partly cloudy with a light, northwesterly breeze. My ideal weather that reminds me so much of Northern Germany and Scandinavia in the summertime.
And then there is the little matter of the pork BBQ, red slaw, hushpuppies, and sweetened iced tea to prepare for dinner on the 4th of July itself. A busy holiday weekend ahead!
-- Stokes