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A Painting Update for July 27th. . .


Here's where things stand by the evening of July 27th.

A couple of pleasant painting sessions in the ol' chair yesterday.  One in the afternoon, and another during the mid-evening after The Young Master's bedtime and a walk around the neighborhood.  Still lots to do, of course, but the first 32 of the musketeer figures are coming together.

A couple of painting points.  One, various sources differ on the color scheme of the hat pompoms and tassels of the Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburg Infantry.  Some say these were plain white, others suggesting red and white.  I've opted for the former (actually white atop a light gray undercoat).  

Likewise, when it comes to the jacket lapels, sources indicate either red, blue, or none at all.  After double-checking, I went back and repainted them dark blue, highlighted sparingly with a mid-blue to match the rest of the coats.  Neck stocks too seem open to question when it comes to color.  I went for red this time around as a change from my usual default black.

The second painting point was. . .  Well, darn it.  I've now forgotten the second observation, which clearly must have been very important!  Either a senior moment, or not yet enough coffee to clear the early morning fog.  It is just before 8am here in The Grand Duchy.

In any case, I think it's time to finish the leather shoulder straps for the remaining dozen figures in the forefront of the picture, and then add hair-queues, mustaches, hat lace, and visible buttons for all 32, making sure everything is at the same point and finished, before moving onto the next 16 bare metal castings in the back of the room.  

Ideally, I'd like to finish painting and glossing this unit and get them affixed to their Litko plywood bases by September 1st when the fall semester kicks off.  Let's see if that actually happens.  In the meantime, "Charge!"

-- Stokes


Matt said…
Looking very good indeed. I do like your "clean" painting style.

I have been using black undercoat for so long I have forgotten how to paint your way.
Thank you, Matt! I used black undercoat for many years on my 15mm Napoleonics, but grew disenchanted with how it dulled lighter colors. In the end, it made sense, to me, to return to light gray or white base coats. Certainly easier on middle-aged eyes!

Best Regards,

Wellington Man said…
Your colour choices have a very stylish austerity, Stokes. Beautifully done.
Most appropos for Prussians, wouldn't you say? ;-)

Best Regards,

marinergrim said…
Very nice and great work overall.
James Fisher said…
Great progress; they are really coming to life.
Regards, James
David Morfitt said…
Very nicely done. :-) Big units too, of course; I have never been able to look at a small unit that is supposed to represent a battalion and feel it looks right. Charles Grant Senior has a lot to answer for! ;-)



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