Busy days here in The Grand Duchy of Stollen, with the end of online classes for the semester/term yesterday, but I've managed to snatch an hour or so the last several evenings for some time at the painting table. Still not much to look at, but they're not dsipleasing at this early stage in the painting game.
The basic horse coats are finished except for the trumpeter's grey, which needs so additional attention this evening. Right now, The Young Master and I are headed out into the dark, rainy day to run his Christmas errand, selecting a gift for his mother The Grand Duchess.
I hope for some time back in the painting chair this evening post-Christmas tree decoration, dinner, and bedtime reading with The Young Master. We are working our way through the first Harry Potter story at the moment, which is much better than I expected. Yes, yes. I've managed to avoid the saucer-eyed, zombie-like worldwide fascination with J.K. Rowling for 20+ years until now. But we are having fun reading this together each evening I must admit.
-- Stokes
I think that you'll enjoy Harry Potter more and more. She wrote a good tale that develops well over the books as Harry gets older. Coming to it late has the advantage of being after all the hype!
Regards, James