Slowly, very slooowly the 14 riders and horses are coming together.
Managed to squeeze in a couple of hours yesterday, in two separate sessions, to begin applying Scarlet highlights to my large squadron of Bosniaks. Between seizures that are brought on by the warbling of Mariah Carey, who is more difficult to avoid at this festive time of the year than at others. But let's talk figure painting!
I'm not yet finished with applying the acrylic Scarlet, but so far it's really helping to make the figures look like something. After I finish this particular step later today, it's onto a very sparing highlight for the black areas. In this case I'll use 'Zinc,' a very dark, silvery shade of gray that nevertheless is light enough not to disappear into the black undercoat.
The trick is to use very little of the Zinc and resist the temptation to overdo it. A tendency that, according to The Grand Duchess, I tend toward in certain respects. Like large units of figures that take weeks and weeks to complete? Ahem. In any case, I try to restrict the application of said dark gray to just the highest points of the figures to suggest areas that catch the light.
Let's see how things progress. But first, a haircut and then coffee and something sweet at a cafe with The Grand Duchess.
-- Stokes
Keep the paintbrush wet and have a great time.