A thoroughly charming and thought provoking title.
Or, Happy Boxing Day if you prefer. I hope your Christmas Day was happy and surrounded by friends and loved ones. Or maybe quiet and calm? Whichever you prefer.
Today, the wonderful Grand Duchess (assisted by Young Master Paul) will prepare and bake her annual Dresdner Stollen! I cannot wait (something of an understatement). In the meantime, a large piece of chilled pumpkin pie with fresh coffee for breakfast in a few moments I think.
Yesterday was a toy soldier Christmas for yours truly and included the title above, a lovely large format book on German armies from roughly 1740-1945, featuring mostly previously unpublished Herbert Knoetel watercolors, and a small box of Minden Miniatures (various French Staff figures and some Austrian dragoons). The Grand Duchess tells me that some Hessian infantry are on the way once they are back in stock.
I felt like a child again for a few hours yesterday, but the best part was spending Christmas with my wife and son, watching them open gifts, and not having to venture out the front door to go anywhere. Although we did enjoy a nice, long mid-afternoon walked around the absolutely quiet neighborhood given our unseasonably warm weather here in Mid-Michigan at the moment. Usually, we have snow on the ground by this point. Still, it was a special day.
Today, the forthcoming stollen as I say (wife and son are preparing the dough in German overhead in the kitchen right now), more idle time for daydreaming, more watching the cats enjoy their Christmas catnip mice, more pleasure derived from seeing The Young Master happily engaged in play or reading new books, more good food, more quiet Christmas music, and some delicious leftovers for dinner by candlelight. I might even be able to find an hour or so for some additional brushwork on those 14 Bosniaks. Christmas contentment. Ahhhh. . .
-- Stokes