Soubise, his aide, and the paint bottles are more in focus, but this photograph provides a decent idea of the composite grenadier battalion painted during July. Just a few tiny touch-ups around the edges of several green bases, and we're ready to tack 'em down to the Litko bases! Monsieur Soubise and aide merely need some groundwork this evening, and then I can also call them finished.
Here there are. . . My recently FINISHED composite battalion of Minden (Prussian) grenadiers in the midst of permanent basing. Largely based on illustrations (Kronoskaf and Knoetel) of Wurtemburg's 6th Hausgrenadiere and Hessen-Kassel's von Hessenstein Regiment, circa 1749. Some of the tiny details are not quite right, but overall I am pleased with how things turned out.
The acrylic varnish on them is my usual is Liquitex 'High Gloss,' suggested to me by Mike Siggins some years ago, and I have applied 2 and 1/2 coats to get'em really nice and shiny. I say 2 and 1/2 because I went back and applied a third coat to the higher areas of the figures (shoulders, arms, raised fronts of thighs, toes of boots, and tops of heads) for added protection and to catch the light. So, some areas actually have three coats of the stuff.
Almost time to move on now, and while I have not yet decided what exactly will be my next painting project (Where do I start?), I will first apply 2 and 1/2 coats of varnish to that combined two-squadron regiment of RSM95 horse grenadiers in bearskins that were finished last winter in December or January. Seems like a good idea since I'd like to include them in a forthcoming game.
Speaking of which. . . A refight of Blasthof Bridge is on the books for later this (Sunday) afternoon using my Brigades in a Box concept. Toss a terrain sheet over one end of the table, lay out a few scenic items, set up the two small forces, and away we go!
-- Stokes
I can't wait for your Blasthof!