Not the more usual Victorian or Edwardian Father Christmas this time, but a young boy on Nordic skis observing the Christmas Star. This reminds me of when I used to set off for night time skiing on the miles of (unlighted after 10pm) trails just outside Trondheim, Norway during the winter of 1999-2000. It was a snowy year that winter, and there was white stuff on the ground from the end of November through almost the end of March that season. You see a lot when you are along in the woods in the middle of a snowy night. A lone wolf was one particularly unnerving encounter. Luckily for me, he was more interested in raiding a trailside garbage can. I began making my daily ski tours during daylight hours after that.
Fairly quiet here at Stollen Central the last few days as we have enjoyed Christmastime with all of its cold and snow this year. We have had considerable upheaval of various kinds the last 2.5 years since our move to Michigan, but I feel as though some calm and normalcy has returned recently. Certainly during the last several weeks. Hopefully, we are finally settled.
In any case, the planned refight, more or less, of Steve Hezzlewood's and John Ray's 'The Boucharde Raid' is slated to take place on Saturday, or New Year's Eve afternoon this weekend. Stay tuned.
-- Stokes