Sam the Smith and Friends, keeping hussar steeds in tiptop running order. 1/56 Fife & Drum figures along with another scratch-built table.
And finally, here's another old favorite, Margarete the Marketenderin on her way to set up shop opposite the ladies pictured above. A 28mm Eureka set, but the Napoleonic vivandiere has had a headgear conversion. The three vignettes here were all painted in, I believe, 2014.
The enterprising Wolfram the Sutler drives his wagon of goods and sundries to the front. I think this is an Old Glory cart, with the addition of a Fife&Drum driver, painted in 2014. The various bits and pieces comprising ol' Wolfie's cargo come from various manufacturers.
The enterprising Wolfram the Sutler drives his wagon of goods and sundries to the front. I think this is an Old Glory cart, with the addition of a Fife&Drum driver, painted in 2014. The various bits and pieces comprising ol' Wolfie's cargo come from various manufacturers.
Best Regards,