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Brrrrrr, it's Cold!!!

This old print of Washington and Lafayette visiting their suffering troops, who were camped in and around Valley Forge, Pennsylvania outside of Philadelphia during the winter of 1777-78, seems appropriate on this frigid January morning.

It's currently -6 F./-21 C. here at Stollen Central this morning with a wind chill factor of -30 F./-34 C.  Minnesota cold!  Barring that, it's a beautiful, sunny winter's morning with sunshine and bright, powdery, squeaky snow on the ground.  The Grand Duchess and I love it while the Young Master wants to play in it and go tobogganing, but the temperature needs to warm up just a wee bit first.  Playing in the cold and enjoying it is one thing, but doing so to the point of being foolhardy is another kettle of fish entirely.  No.  I think it might be better today to enjoy the winter scene from the inside and sit down to the painting table for a couple of hours this afternoon.  Don't you agree?


Mad Padre said…
Quite agreed. It's equally frosty here in SW Ontario.
I listen to Minnesota Public Radio via internet while I work and I'm quite grateful it is relatively more balmy here, but cold enough.
Fitz-Badger said…
Unfortunately it's much too dry and warm here, more so than usual, high risk for fire. We haven't had what even usually passes for 'winter" here, just an extended "fall" (which just means it's not as hot as summer).
A J said…
It's no warmer here in Ohio, although the bright sunshine is more than welcome. Having just cleared our drive and paths for the umpteenth time this winter I can work indoors with a clear conscience!
Stryker said…
I have to say that I'm feeling a bit guilty (not really!) that all the snow and freezing stuff is staying your side of the pond this year. We just have it wet, very very wet...
I think the USA got Europe's winter.
Certainly here in the North East of Britain its warmer than normal 1.0c.
Welcome to global warming I think.
Thanks Robbie
Bluebear Jeff said…
On a day like yours I like to curl up with a nice hot chocolate in a big comfortable chair.

-- Jeff
Thomo the Lost said…
Not cold at all here in Singapore ... actually, the locals have been complaining about the cold now that I think about it ... it was only 23 last night - that's 23 Celsius ;-)
tradgardmastare said…
Just rain ,rain,rain here in Tradgardland/fife...

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