Here's a reprise of that Fife&Drum Continental Army command base I painted up during December of 2013.
Thank you for the very kind comments some of you have left about yesterday's new vignettes! Much appreciated, and I'll try not to let it go to my head. You know how funny I can get, though, when a few souls make the fatal mistake of bestowing a few words of praise on me. Listen carefully! Can you hear the sound of my already fat head getting bigger?
Anyway, home for an hour or so before retuning to campus for a late afternoon meeting with a colleague (sigh). So, why not kill some time by monkeying around with a few more photographs of vignettes painted last month and Photoshop Elements? This could be a dangerous combination. Very dangerous indeed.
Likewise, here are those four marching Continental infantrymen, undoubtedly sneaking off during the battle under the cover of powder smoke.
And here is a vignette that shows how nicely Minden (the Austrian hussar officer) and RSM95 (firing Croat) figures work together. For the record, the Fife & Drum figures are an equally nice match in size, proportions, and sculpting/casting quality.
Last of all, here are those Minden Austrian and French officers once again, which I painted as Saxons last month. Relative to most of 2013, the last 45 days or so have been highly productive at the painting table. May such industriousness and diligence continue long into 2014.