A mid-19th century Currier and Ives print. Where I grew up in southeastern Pennsylvania, there was a family nearby with a couple of ponies and a sleigh, which always came out whenever we had heavy snows, which were a regular occurrence in the 197os and first half of the 80s.
Well, 2012 is winding down quietly here at Stollen Central, and I can't seem to stoke (ha, ha) the painting fires, or get my rear end into the setting up mode, to resume Neu Sittangbad. The rest and relaxation of the last few weeks has simply been too much, I tell you, too much. I can't go on. Really, I can't!
Never fear, however. Somewhat more normal operations and procedure will resume here in Zum Stollenkeller in the next day or so as the 2012 Christmas Season fades into our memories. In the meantime, look for a retrospective of the year gone by right here on New Year's Eve.
And here's another seasonal Currier and Ives print. I went ice skating with the Grand Duchess (who enjoys speed skating, once. It was one of the scariest things I've experience. Ever.