Finally! A couple of nutcrackers in three-cornered hats, most fitting for the Grand Duchy of Stollen, courtesy of some giftshop or other in Williamsburg, Virginia, which embraces and celebrates its colonial history.
Humph! Time for another one of those "no days" that I was going on about a few days ago. Lots going on today here at Stollen Central, including getting the Christmas trees, which we'll decorate tomorrow, and the final date of the year for my band The Indras this evening. Oh, and some final grades to tally and submit for one of my courses. Rats! It doesn't look good for getting to the painting table today. . . unless I feel particularly driven tonight once I am home again. There is, I suppose, always tomorrow morning and afternoon before we decorate the trees and living room in the evening. Oh, wait. The Grand Duchess and I have a childless date for some coffee at a local cafe tomorrow morning, and she's already arranged a babysitter for a couple of hours. Geeze! How did things get so busy so fast?
At least my shopping for gifts is all done save for two or three more small things that will be easy to pick up early next week, so perhaps I can get caught up with painting next week, but there's only a month left in our current painting challenge. The deadline is January 16th, 2012, and I'm not quite at the halfway point with those 60 RSM musketeers. It might be time for a No Day or two next week, so I can hit the painting table hard and wear out some brush bristles. As the old country and western song used to sing, "Make the world go away. . . "
I'm not sure sure how old this particular postcard image of Santa Claus/Father Christmas is, but it's certainly done in a classic style, and I like his kind face, warmed by the lantern light. The wreath of holly around his head is a nice touch too.